Easily accessible
Easily accessible

easily accessible

Hand fire extinguishers of an approved type must be provided for use in crew, passenger, cargo, and galley compartments in accordance with the following: (c) Hand fire extinguishers for crew, passenger, cargo, and galley compartments. (4) When carried in a compartment or container, must be carried in a compartment or container marked as to contents and the compartment or container, or the item itself, must be marked as to date of last inspection. (3) Must be clearly identified and clearly marked to indicate its method of operation and (2) Must be readily accessible to the crew and, with regard to equipment located in the passenger compartment, to passengers (b) Each item of emergency and flotation equipment listed in this section and in §§121.310, 121.339, and 121.340. With regard to cabin emergency equipment, refer to 14 CFR 121.309 Emergency Equipment

easily accessible

#Easily accessible full

Looking at the provided legal interpretation, there appears to be additional meaning to the full term “readily accessible” regarding fire extinguishers on the flight deck, as it is broken down to “accessible (within reach)” and “readily” – If the crew must hesitate to retrieve the fire extinguisher by either removing an oxygen mask or by leaving the crewmembers seated position, the emergency equipment is not ‘readily accessible’.” Readily accessible and conveniently located

easily accessible

The term the FAA primarily uses in its regulations is “readily accessible,” describing a crewmember’s ability to reach emergency equipment. Looking at the provided legal interpretation, there appears to be additional meaning to the full term “readily accessible” when speaking to fire extinguisher(s) on the flight deck, as it is broken down to “accessible (within reach)” and “readily.” “If the crew must hesitate to retrieve the fire extinguisher by either removing an oxygen mask or by leaving the crewmembers seated position, the emergency equipment is not ‘readily accessible’.” For example, the equipment should be stowed and secured with the required brackets, yet nothing excessive that would significantly affect the accessibility of the equipment, such as lock and key to secure the equipment bin. So, for emergency equipment to meet the definition of readily accessible, the equipment must be acquired in an easy manner, and without difficulty. Given how the previous legal interpretation referenced Webster’s Dictionary, for the purpose of defining “easily,” Merriam‐Webster’s dictionary defines “easily” as: in an easy manner: without difficulty. Looking for use of the term readily accessible, there is an explanation of “readily accessible” in this legal interpretation: Fire extinguisher on the flight deck. What does it mean to have emergency equipment readily or easily accessible?

Easily accessible